Advance Your Practice with 300 Hour yoga teacher training in Goa, India
Elevate Your Skills and Deepen Your Knowledge to Share the Gift of Yoga with Confidence and Clarity.
300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Goa, India
Yoga alliance USA affiliated school Tapas Yoga India offers 300 hours yoga teacher training in Goa. 300 hours yoga teacher training (LEVEL 2)
is a continuation of 200 hours yoga teacher training (LEVEL 1) at an advanced level. 300 hours yoga teacher training covers all the advanced syllabus of traditional Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga and is ideal for those who have already completed their level 1 i.e. 200 hours Yoga teacher training course. It is a 30-day course that provides 300 contact and non-contact hours required for RYT-500.
Our Level 2 Course differs in its concept from the beginner’s course
wherein the trainee teachers get the opportunity to opt for an optional elective subject which will allow them to evolve their body into an entity that not only learns but also teaches. Also, it will help them build a portfolio around a particular specialized branch of yoga they intend to pursue. All this will be done under the professional guidance of certified yoga experts.
Join our 300 hours yoga teacher training course
not only to receive the certificate but to live yoga and take the practices of self to an advanced level and spread it with others to transform multiple lives.
300 hours Yoga Alliance affiliated Yoga Teacher Training school in Goa
Tapas Yoga India’s 300-hour YTT focuses on Hatha and Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga’s physical and spiritual benefits. The course is designed to introduce students to Patanjali’s yoga sutras, yoga psychology, the nature of breath and thought manifestation, as well as human anatomy and body functions as they relate to ancient and modern yoga practices. We’ll also cover spiritual anatomy, meditation techniques, ayurveda, and tracing the workings of prana energy in each of the yoga postures we’ll be doing during this course.

Yoga isn’t a stranger to change. It’s continuously evolving and so are the teaching methodologies. A uniform blend of both modern and traditional methodologies, discover what it takes to become more than just a yoga instructor and how to be an inspiring yoga teacher. Practice and learn how to teach the theoretical classes and to take the asanas sessions. Our teaching method is based on the well-known Gurukula tradition in India. The Guru (teacher) and the Shishya (student) have a sacred relationship that imparts knowledge (the student).

The 300-hour TTC is a meticulous compilation of practices from some of the oldest schools of yoga. It took us a lot of thought and introspection to come up with a curriculum that includes the information, techniques, and wisdom available to us through the Bhagavad Geeta, Yoga sutras, and other yogic texts. Through this course, we aim to make you interrogate and question better, and practice effortlessly, and a researcher of this experiential science will emerge within you.

Course Highlights
Embarking on a spiritual journey can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to one’s life. And what better way to enhance this journey than through the ancient practice of yoga? With its roots in India, yoga has been around for thousands of years and has been known to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. It is highly recommended that students start practicing yoga before enrolling in the 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, India course, as this will enable them to establish a consistent routine.
During the course, students will not only delve into the various advanced practices of asanas, pranayama, philosophy, anatomy, and other disciplines but also explore the depths of human consciousness. The asana practice will be incredibly challenging and tough but will eventually lead to a stronger connection between one’s mind, body, and spirit. To balance the physical demands of yoga, meditation and pranayama practices will be equally imperative and will help students relax and rejuvenate their minds and bodies. Join us for the journey towards spiritual growth and discover the true potential through the practice of yoga.
What do we cover in this course?
“Become committed to improving your spiritual path by practicing yoga and seeking greater and deeper realms of human consciousness.
It is strongly advised that students begin practicing yoga before the start of the course, as this will make it simpler for them to remain consistent during the program. The course covers all advanced asanas, Pranayama, philosophy, anatomy, and other disciplines.
The asana practice will be incredibly demanding and rigorous in the 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, India course, but meditation and Pranayama will be equally crucial to balance the exhaustion.”
Duration of our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
We are excited to extend an invitation to join our 300-hour yoga teacher training program in the enchanting setting of Goa, India. This comprehensive course runs for a duration of 26 to 28 days and is designed with a strong emphasis on practical experience. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of yoga that will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the practice of yoga.
In addition to learning about the fundamentals of yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation, we also dedicate a significant portion of our curriculum to the vital topic of mental health. You will gain insight into the root causes of depression and anxiety and learn how yoga can be used as a powerful tool for healing.
Our team is comprised of experienced and compassionate teachers who are dedicated to helping you develop a strong foundation in yoga and prepare you for a career in teaching or personal practice. Come and join us to experience the transformative power of yoga in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Deeper study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Study of Pancha Klesha (5 causes of suffering) and Concept of siddhi (supernatural power)
Yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of Dharma, Kama,
Artha and Moksha, Body types and Gunas, Pancha Koshas (Sheaths) & Granthis (Psychic knots), Spiritual and Physiological aspect of Chakras.
Asanas and Muscles, Skeletal system and Asana(yoga posture), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Digging deeper into Nervous system, Pranayama, Breath Control and Kumbhaka(breath retention).
Ayurveda and Diet According to Ayurveda, Evolution of Yoga and “Tapas” – Meaning & Application. Energy Anatomy and Physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.). Includes both the study of Anatomy and Physiology along with its application to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.).
Analytical training in how to teach and practice the Asanas, Guided practice of the Asana Techniques, Substantial emphasis on Hatha yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Primary or Intermediate Series), Advanced Yoga Postures, Prakriti (Body constitution), Surya Namaskar – Origin & Sadhana (Meditative practice), Chandra Namaskar- Origin and Sadhana (Meditative Practice)
Level 2 Study of Mudras( Jnana and chin mudra, Yoni mudra, Bhairava/Bhairavi mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Nasikagra mudra, Mudra for concentration and Common mudras for daily practices) and Bandhas (Uddiyana bandha, Jalandhara bandha, Mula bandha and Maha bandha)
Pratyahara (Control of the senses), Shatkarma and detoxification, Yoga nidra and Self Awareness.Learning Intermediate Meditation techniques.

Introduction to Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, establishment of priorities and boundaries.
How to address the specific needs of individuals(students) and to different groups. Principles of demonstration, observation, assessing and correcting. Learning Teaching styles, Qualities of a teacher, Students learning process.
Business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal). Hands on Alignment, Class Instructions and Verbal Adjustments, Professional Approach, Advance art of Teaching, Origin of Asanas and Teaching Ethics. How every pose categories share a common foundation, and how to build upon this foundation.
Evaluation is Based on Discipline, Attendance, Behaviour, Teaching a class as an individual and Written Examination on the Topics covered throughout the course.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule
Our Packages
Choose from our flexible pricing options that cater to your specific needs.
Single Accommodation
€ 1799
The Package Includes
€ 1499
The Package Includes
€ 1299
The Package Includes
€ 999
The Package Includes