Begin Your Transformational Journey With Tapas Yoga India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa

We are a Yoga Alliance, USA-accredited yoga school. After the successful completion of our programs, you are eligible to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200, RYT-300 & RYT-500)

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, RYT-200

200 hours of  Ashtanga Vinyasa and multi-style yoga teacher training in Goa is registered with Yoga Alliance USA. After taking admission in 200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, yoga practitioners can expand their knowledge of yoga and about the different aspects of yoga -Asanas pranayama, kriya, meditation, bandha, anatomy, yogic philosophy, the basic art of teaching, teaching methodologies, etc. 200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa offers you a whole new mental, physical and spiritual experience. Explore the dimensions of yoga to know your true- self While being on the premises you can expect lots of sharing, lots of connections, lots of discussions, and interesting conversations with like-minded people. You will actually spend some quality time while having lots of fun and recreation. So become a qualified yoga teacher with 200 hours yoga teacher training course in Tapas Yoga India.

Teacher training courses in Goa will take you on a journey where you will find the lost connection with yourself. The yoga course is organized for one’s personal as well as professional growth. Throughout the yoga course, discipline, routine life, and healthy eating will be an essential part of the self-development of every student. During this extraordinary 300 hours Yoga teacher training course and 200 hours Yoga teacher training course immersion you will build a powerful platform of anatomical, philosophical, and adjustment-based knowledge to elevate your yoga practice and guide others through classes that heal, inspire, and inform.

Looking for a perfect place to pursue 200 hours yoga teacher training in india?

Goa is a place with magical beaches where one can feel the earth‘s motion. When the waves crash against your feet, disturbing the sand, green makes your eye trace its path. Waves when splashing against the rock and in no time turn calm as if the ocean is breathing and doing pranayama. It makes Goa a perfect location to practice arson, meditation, and Pranayam with the sound of the ocean traveling to you and with occasional classes on the beach.

Our school is located in South Goa which is not only famous for its small secluded beaches but also the greenery, vegetation, wildlife, and rich culture.
We offer authentic yoga teacher training courses recognized by Yoga Alliance USA. Also, you can read our complete guide about how to join a yoga school in India.

What is Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Certification? RYT-200

Yoga Alliance is a non-profit association based in the US that plays an important role by providing the required accreditation to yoga teacher training programs that include 200-RYT, RYT-300, and RYT-500 conducted by yoga schools worldwide.

What does the Yoga Alliance do?
Yoga Alliance prescribes the standards for yoga training. To meet such standards, it has been made mandatory to adhere to the same so as to be able to ensure the required amount of study time that is undertaken for the course.

tapas yoga india yoga alliance

Your eligibility to start your own yogic venture by setting up a yoga studio that you have dreamed of running

Your eligibility to teach anywhere in the world in schools offering programs on YTTC

About 200 hour yoga teacher training course certification with yoga alliance

The basic eligibility to teach yoga at any yoga studio, community center gym, or other such centers, is that you must have accomplished a 200 hour yoga teacher training under a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school.     

Once you have fully attended and successfully graduated from a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa program conducted by a yoga school registered under the Yoga Alliance, you become entitled to join the Yoga Alliance. Though many studios may not necessarily demand you to join the Yoga Alliance certification, they would still prefer graduates from schools that follow the standard guidelines as set by the Yoga Alliance when faced with a large number of applicants. So a certified yoga teacher will undoubtedly stand out among the rest.

200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa duration

200 hour yoga teacher training course in walls learning and practice of yoga for a duration of 24 days which will help you to master the yogic knowledge and its applications in the most authentic way along with the other fellow students. Apart from the syllabus, you will also learn about issues like depression, anxiety, etc, its causes, and the application of yoga to remedy it. Join us now.

200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus 


Gentle Warm-up exercises, Dynamic Warm-up, Full-body Warm-up before a practice, Traditional Hatha Sun-salutation, Ashtanga Vinyasa Sun-Salutation, The concept of Asanas, varieties, and effects.
Traditional Hatha Yoga poses Modern and Contemporary Yoga Poses, Standing sequence and Standing postures, Seated Postures, supine, and prone poses, and inversions.
Workshops on Handstand, arm balance, back-bending, hip-opening, Therapeutic Yoga, how to avoid injuries, safety in practice
Introduction to traditional practices of Ashtanga and Hatha yoga 
Ashtanga Vinyāsa yoga primary series, Pawan PawanMuktasana series, Various Vinyāsa flows, and art of yin Yoga.


What is Prana, types of Prana, importance, and benefits of Pranayama
Different types of pranayama: Nadi Shodhana, Shitali, Shitkari, Bhramari, Ujjayi, Bhastrika, Surya Bhedi and Chandra Bhedi, Kapalbhati etc
The concept of Meditation, types of Meditations: Observing the breath, Body-scanning, Vipassana, Transcendental Meditation, Chakra-Meditation, Tips for developing concentration, Bahir and Antar trataka, Nada meditation (sound meditation), Ajapa Japa, Antar- Mouna (silence practice), Mantra meditation, Yoga Nidra, Inner visualization etc


Basic concepts of functional anatomy and physiology related to movement. Application of anatomical principles to yoga practice (mechanics of yoga asana, its benefits, and contraindications, healthy patterns of movement, etc).
Practical anatomy with a major emphasis on the skeletal system and joints, muscular system and its importance in Asanas, Endocrine, respiratory, circulatory systems and its uses in Yoga.
Study of different regions of the body: The knee, hips, spine, and shoulder. Types of injuries, causes, and cures with Yoga practices.


Learning how to safely go in and out of a posture,  to give cues and instructions of various postures,  Anatomical understanding of a yoga posture, and names of the muscles used in an individual pose.
Benefits of a yoga posture, Contra-indications, hands-on adjustments, Modification, advance variation, and use of props according to an individual’s need
Sun Salutations classical, Sun Salutations (A) and Sun salutations (B) from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Alignment of Standing poses Seated poses, Forward bends, Backbends, Inversions, Balancing, Hip opening Poses, and so on.


Step by Step Class Structure Planning, Understanding Qualities of a Yoga Teacher, The attitude of a Yoga Teacher and being yourself, Safety measures like How to avoid injuries, and Cultivation of command through voice modulations
How to deepen your connection with your inner-being, the Importance of Communication, Demonstration, Assisting, giving cues and instructions, Traditional Hatha Yoga class, Principles of Sequencing various Vinyasa flows, Peak pose, and how to build up to one.
Setting up a class, teaching big groups and small groups, and personal training. Learning Yoga Business, marketing strategies, how to set up your studio and build a community.
Basics of Teaching Yoga classes, Learning the Terms and Key Points for the Yoga Asana Teaching classes, Confidence building, Regular Teaching Practice. 


What are Yoga and its history, evolution, and concept of Yoga, Meaning, and Aim of Yoga? What is Hatha Yoga? What is Ashtanga Yoga? What is Vinyasa And Yin Yoga?
Introduction to Yoga Texts, Bandhas, Mudras, Prana, koshas, Kundalini, Chakra, Stories of ancient yogis. Four paths of Yoga, Vedas and six systems of Indian Philosophy. Meaning of Om, Omkar and Various Sanskrit Mantras, ShatKriyas, Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yama, Niayama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
Concepts of Gunas (Satva, Rajas, Tamas) and their application in daily life. Meaning and importance of Mantra Chanting, Lifestyle and ethics of yoga in the life of a practitioner.

(6 Cleansing Techniques and Holistic Study of Human Body)

Introduction of Shat Kriyas where “Shat” is Six and “Kriyas” are Techniques or Actions, Importance of cleansing for a Yogic lifestyle, Understanding the purification process.
Various Cleansing Techniques: Jala neti, Sutra neti, Eye cleaning (eyes cups), Kunjal Kriya, and Trataka. Importance of ShatKriyas in Hatha Yoga Practices. Relationship between ShatKriyas and Pranayama.
Basic Principles of Ayurveda, History of Ayurveda, Philosophy of Ayurveda, concept and Ayurveda Nutrition, Tridoshas, Pancha Mahabhuta, Tri-Gunas, and Diet according to Ayurveda.

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule

Our Packages

Choose from our flexible pricing options that cater to your specific needs.

Single Accommodation

€ 1599

The Package Includes

23 Nights Accommodation
Course Manual & Materials
Course Fee
Shuttle Pickup From Goa Airport (GOI)
Course Kit
3 Veg meals/ day (Sunday excluded)
Tea / Coffee / Filtered Water
Wifi access


€ 1299

The Package Includes

23 Nights Accommodation
Course Manual & Materials
Course Fee
Shuttle Pickup From Goa Airport (GOI)
Course Kit
3 Veg meals/ day (Sunday excluded)
Tea / Coffee / Filtered Water
Wifi access


€ 1099

The Package Includes

23 Nights Accommodation
Course Manual & Materials
Course Fee
Shuttle Pickup From Goa Airport (GOI)
Course Kit
3 Veg meals/ day (Sunday excluded)
Tea / Coffee / Filtered Water
Wifi access


€ 799

The Package Includes

No Accommodation Included
Course Manual & Materials
Course Fee
Shuttle Pickup From Goa Airport (GOI)
Course Kit
3 Veg meals/ day (Sunday excluded)
Tea / Coffee / Filtered Water
Wifi access
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